EDCP108i 0801 Mock Interviews (Day 1 - 3/10/25)
**This job posting is only for students enrolled in EDCP108i for Spring 2025**
All live virtual mock interviews for EDCP108i will take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, March 10, 11, and 12 during the afternoons, in 20-minute time-slots in 1131 Martin Hall (notice the slot will say 30 minutes so that your interviewer has time to give you feedback). You must register for a time slot in order to conduct a mock interview on this date. Apply to this job posting and sign-up for a time-slot. Availability of timeslots is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please make note of the time in which you signed up and the Zoom link for the mock interview in the description of the event. You will receive an automatic confirmation email with the timeslot included in the body of the email.
**In order to receive full points for your scheduled in-person mock interview:
1. You must be on-time. In fact, please try to arrive 5 minutes prior to your scheduled time slot. Mock interviews are only for 20 minutes. If you are more than 5 minutes late for your scheduled timeslot, you will not be seen and will receive a 0 for the assignment.
2. At a minimum, dress in business casual attire. Ideas for what business casual attire means is located in Module 05 of this course.
3. Have your resume readily available in case the mock interviewer would like to view your resume.